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ITW Change Makers

ITW, Illinois Tool Works, is a global industrial company built around a differentiating business model that provides the runway for it’s divisions around the globe to recruit the best talent and stand out in a crowded marketplace. Unfortunately, no one knew who they were. By initiating an employee engagement program that also catered to potential employees, we created a brand platform that raised awareness throughout the company and around the industry.


Employee Brand Visual Identity, Print, Brand Video


Illinois Tool Works


Design Director, Art Director


SVP Creative Director, Copy: Pete Heid


Art Director:

Hannah Issa

The Change Makers

We created an employee brand campaign to build awareness of who and what ITW does, but more importantly we wanted to show their own employees that they are a part of this bigger thing– this global company that truly works different– and that they are the key to what makes ITW so special.


We filmed a brand anthem video that placed the employees front and center, giving them the stage, while also conveying that although each of ITW's companies are very different, they are all connected by ITW’s unique way of doing business.

We created a circular graphic that represents connection that is global and fluid. We used this as a subtle graphic device in the video as a portal, that takes us to another company around the world. 

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